Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well hello there....

This is well...My first post. I guess that's obvious. I've been obsessively reading other people's blogs for months now. Secretly saying to myself " one day I'll day have my own blog", but do I have enough to say? Enough going on in my little realm to be of any interest to anyone else? Will there be people like me reading my posts every morning first thing when they get to work? Well eventually I decided who cares, right? And well....Andrew, my bestest friend started a blog and if he has one I have to too.


sqrl said...

Who is this Sqrl chick anyway?
-- Bee

Elise said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

Aunt Jenny said...

Loved your blog!! I have so much fun reading other blogs...everyone seems to have more stuff to say that is interesting than I do!! I love seeing your pictures too...I love to put a face with the name!!

kansasrose said...

Hi Melissa! Another cool blog to read! Love your style! I started a blog in Dec.! Haven't posted pics to it yet but will soon! You are so talented and creative! Welcome to the bloggin family! Jenny

Unknown said...

Hey Sqrl, glad to see you finally started a blog, welcome to the bloggers Love it, will be a repeat offender!!!