Monday, October 09, 2006

Adventures in a Pumpkin Patch!

I haven't done this in so long.... And I have no idea why, 'cause I love it... What is it about a pumpkin?? I love Pumpkins!!!!! They're so orange and cheery and smooth and round and each one has it's own character, it's own personality. So on the way home from work on Friday I saw sign that said pumpkin patch this way -->. So I said to the boy well if the weathers nice we're rifing our bikes to the pumpkin patch and getting ourselves a pumpkin or two... Well I was figuring the weather would be it's usual self and be gloomy, cold and windy especially it the farms where it's extra blustery... You see, if you say out loud I want to do this today if it's sunny or I'm going to do laundry today - meaning hang it on the line... Than sun goes away, it's a very spiteful sun around here, or am I just a superstitious Sqrl? Anyway, we had a delightful time in our pumpkin patch as you can see. We will be sacrificing one of them, for a feast on Samhain (Halloween).
Happy Autumn!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that photo, how did you do that? Please don't say Photoshop, I can't afford that!! lol Looks like a great time and such a wonderful memory! I love pumpkins too!