Monday, December 11, 2006

A RED Saturday Morning

I am in there, just hard to see. If you look closely you'll see... But even without my little shaddow hidden somewhere in there this collage really is me. A day in the life of me, or at a Saturday.

Well... This week for SPC I decided to do a collage. This is my pretty typical Saturday morning. Food shopping at the Co-op, dropping off books at the used bookstore, stopping in at the best smelling fabric store in town (yes not only do I just love this store and the people who work there I also love the smell, weird?), next was the herb shop to pick up the best chili powder there is. Here we met (randomly) a person his name was Isaak. A new person of like mind and ideas. Yes there's proof that you people are out there, just hard to find. Oh and to the hardware store and everything in between. This was all done on foot, yes I love that.... One of the main reasons we are moving to the city as apposed to the suburbs. Because, well can you walk to anything in the suburbs?? I love, love, love doing all my errands on foot, oh I said that already..... Well anyway, this little color collage has inspired an idea in my little ole brain. I think, I'm going to do one for every color for the next couple weeks, we'll see if I lose interest by the time I get to violet. But I do love color. As a child I was particularly obsessed with color and rainbows (I'm starting to see a pattern here. Let's see, for all my two readers out there how many times can you count the word obsessed?? Humm, what does this say about me?)I used to keep all my crayon shavings in a pencil box, because I love all the colors, my imaginary friends (yes I had them and I'm proud of it) were all named after colors and surprisingly Pinky was my best friend. For those of you who know me well enough, know that I'm just now excepting small amounts of pink into my life. Hey, I just thought of something...... May be I was traumatized because Pinky and the gang (she was, of course the leader) just got up and left one day, no good bye, no nothing. May be I internalized it. I don't remember them leaving, they were just gone. May be I can't remember because it was too traumatic. Ok anyway, I love color and I going do an Orange Saturday next weekend and then yellow after that and so on. It's kind of fun, when you go around looking for a color it starts to stand out and present itself. Then you see it everywhere. Good therapy for the color obsessed. Oops there it is again.


Suzie Ridler said...

Luscious! What a fabulous red collage and I can see you in it! LOL. Funny how we have issues about colour. I wouldn't wear pink because people said it looked awful in it and I really loved wearing it. I'm trying to invite it back into my life too.

sqrl said...

There must be something about Pink... Humm...